Summer Vacation Rental Tips: Making the Most of the High Season

Summer Vacation Rental Tips: Making the Most of the High Season

74 million tourists came to visit Orlando last year, and a large percentage of those all came during the summer months. With sparkling beaches, warm sands, and a thriving nightlife, it's no wonder that Orlando calls to people around the nation.

Is your summer vacation rental ready for this seasonal increase in activity?

We want to help your property see a rise in rental income along with the rise in temperature. Keep reading to learn more about how to optimize your rental right in time for the sunny season.

Stay Competitive

Vacation guests want the perfect balance between an impressive experience alongside an even more impressive price tag. They're willing to splurge to have a good time, but they still would prefer to save when possible.

This is why you should do a deep dive into your local pricing trends. Look at the busiest months and compare it with what other rentals charge. Compare that to rental prices in the surrounding areas as well.

By knowing the rental trends of Orlando's area, you can choose a competitive price that will please both your guests and your bank account.

Local Events

As a vacation host, it's crucial to provide your guests with a little something extra. Something that makes you stand out from all the other hosts.

You can't go wrong with using local events to spice up your guests' visits.

Give them some pointers on where to go or a list of current events for the week. Don't forget to include some personal stories in the mix. It builds a friendly connection and makes those events even more enticing. They may even stay longer in hopes of experiencing events you've talked about.

Automated Processes

Working as a short-term rental landlord feels as though it never ends, and even more so during the busiest months. Instead of getting overwhelmed by everything, implement automation whenever possible.

Automatic booking confirmations, for instance, can cut out a lot of emails you'll need to deal with on a day-to-day basis. These automated processes will be your best friends when your rental starts to become the star of Orlando.

Preparation Is Key

Your workload can quickly become stressful if you don't prepare yourself and your property well ahead of time. You want to enjoy your summer as much as your guests, so take the time beforehand to prepare.

Finish any renovations or decoration changes at least a few weeks before guests begin opening the door. Update your listing's photos and description so it's ready to go when the summer rush begins. Preparing in spring ensures you'll get the most out of summer.

Increase Your Summer Vacation Rental Appeal

Summer is the best time to take advantage of Florida's natural beauty, so don't let it pass you by. Prepare weeks in advance to ensure your summer vacation rental offers an unforgettable oasis to your guests!

If you're looking for a property management company that's locally owned and backed by real estate experts, then PMI Property Alliance is here for you. We offer a full range of services to our Orlando area clients, whether you're residential, short-term, or commercial. Take a closer look at our services, and we'll work together to increase your vacation rental property success!
